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April 27, 2020

Essential Backliners, this time for a Medical Research Company

Scientists worldwide continue to work hard to decipher and understand the set of genes or genetic material present in corona virus to help stop the outbreak.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the study of the role of genetic factors in determining health and diseases in families and in populations, and the interplay of such genetic factors with environmental factors has never been as crucial as it is today. Such research has become a critical reference method not just to understand how the virus is spreading around the world but also how its evolution will affect diagnostic and vaccine development as well as possible therapeutic options.

For such critical studies to take place, Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. (IMI), along with its UK subsidiary, Surface Technology International Ltd. (STI, Ltd.), were commissioned by a UK-based medical research company to produce DNA sequencing devices that will enable COVID-19 testing. The research firm is into biological study applications and direct, electronic analysis of single molecules.

Factory operators of IMI and STI Ltd’s production lines may not be among the front-liners, but they are proud back-liners doing their silent but essential part in such a significant project impacting public health laboratories around the world and in research applications to win against this global pandemic.

IMI specializes in highly reliable and quality electronics for long product life cycle segments such as automotive, industrial electronics and the aerospace market.

From its manufacturing plants in the Philippines, China, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Serbia, United Kingdom and the United States, IMI provides engineering, manufacturing, and support and fulfillment capabilities to diverse industries globally. For more information, visit

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