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November 12, 2019

What Makes a Good Analytical Testing and Calibration Laboratory

In today’s increasingly technological world, the reach of electronics manufacturing is vast and powerful. From the industrial to automotive, from telecommunication to aerospace, from medical to renewable energy, electronics manufacturers cater to industries that affect the average consumer’s daily lives in so many ways—ways that have a great impact on the productivity, satisfaction, and safety of the user.

A defective product endangers the safety of its users and can also cause substantial damage to the reputation and finances of a company, making the testing stage of a product a vital phase of the electronics manufacturing process. For a product to be reliable, accurate, and of high quality, analytical testing and calibration is crucial.

Does your product perform as promised? This is the important question that an ATC laboratory can answer. Analytical testing is necessary to identify physical makeup or characteristics of a particular sample, which is also used for reverse engineering or failure analysis. On the other hand, calibration is the process of comparing an instrument with another instrument that has already been calibrated to ensure accuracy. The two processes are equally important, as they are both needed to remove or lessen uncertainties in the samples or equipment to avoid any critical mistake.

When designing a new product, an ATC laboratory can determine mechanical properties such as strength, hardness, elasticity, and fracture toughness. It can also assess the lifecycle reliability of a product or product component, ensure that it meets quality and regulatory standards, and is manufactured using appropriate materials and treatments.

With the right data, a company can identify defects, analyze failures, and improve new materials, thereby optimizing its production process and getting its product to market quickly and economically. The accuracy—or inaccuracy—of these results can affect important and expensive business decisions.

As a global manufacturing and technology solutions provider, the Analytical Testing and Calibration (ATC) Laboratory of IMI offers the development of cost-effective, comprehensive failure analysis, customized reliability testing, and accurate calibration services.

In 2015, IMI’s ATC Laboratory received ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation on all nine scopes. We are also the first in the Philippines to be granted accreditation on Reliability Testing and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) inspection on Failure Analysis by the Philippine Accreditation Bureau, an internationally recognized accrediting conformity assessment body.

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