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December 9, 2019

Filipino Roots, Global Presence

From the first electronic digital wristwatch and personal computer to the first pocket calculator and commercial video game, the 1970s was a golden era for consumer electronics. It changed the way we connect and communicate, entertain and educate. But with production costs in the electronics industry rising, many Western multinational companies were seeking ways to lower costs. They came to the Philippines and began setting up assembly plants.

In 1980, IMI was a leap of faith—a bold partnership between Ayala Corporation and Resins Inc. that strategically placed IMI on the electronics map. The company began with a hundred employees tasked with integrated circuit (IC) assembly. By 1999, with new capabilities in design and product development, IMI had transformed into a complete end-to-end EMS company.

With the new millennium came the digital age, sparking another surge in the electronics market. With instructive foresight, IMI focused on going global. In 2005, it acquired the EMS assets of Saturn Electronics and Engineering Inc. in Tustin, California, and Speedy-Tech Electronics Ltd. in Singapore. In 2006, it established additional plants in Chonqing and Fuyong, China. In 2011, it acquired facilities in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, and Mexico.

Today, with around 16,000 employees and 21 manufacturing plants in 10 countries, IMI has become a global force in electronics manufacturing and technology solutions, with a diversified client base all over the world. What started with assembly of integrated circuits has evolved into the design and manufacturing of automotive camera modules, steering modules, and power modules—some of the most complex electronics systems today.

The Philippine electronics industry began with foreign companies manufacturing their products here. Today, IMI brings its business all over the world, boosting the economy of both home and host countries and promoting bilateral trade. Consistently ranked among the top 30 EMS providers in the world—and the only Philippines-headquartered electronics company on the Top 50 list—IMI brings pride to every Filipino.

As it approaches its 40th year of existence, IMI continues to expand its reach around the world. We are developing an even stronger competitive edge in the global market through new production sites, business acquisitions, joint ventures, and new opportunities within and beyond core businesses to enhance the value offering we have as a technology services provider.

In 2018, approximately 70 percent of capital expenditures were spent to build more complex manufacturing capabilities, ensuring that we are up-to-date with new standards for safety in the automotive industry and positioning the group for long-term growth.

Last October 2018, we opened the company’s 21st plant in Serbia to cater to the growing market for automotive components in Europe as well as provide support to the pipeline projects of our existing facility in Bulgaria.

Continuing to focus on industries undergoing disruptive changes, we formed a joint venture company in Japan under our subsidiary VIA Optronics, which is transitioning from a consumer-heavy portfolio to also include industrial and automotive segments. It received its first business award for metal mesh touch solution in automotive dual display bonding in an EV project in China. We are confident that as automotive Tier 1 suppliers start recognizing the technology and capability of VIA Optronics, the company will soon establish a formidable reputation in the displays segment.

Our newly-acquired business, STI Enterprises, Ltd., closed its 2018 pipeline with a billion pounds potential new business, with £25.6 million (US$33.2 million) major projects closed as of 2018, further strengthening our industrial and mil-aero capabilities.

Often recognized for our excellent quality and performance, we are setting our sights on being not only a global manufacturing technology provider but also a partner. Leveraging on our patents, extensive experience, know-how in technologies, we are collaborating with clients at the R&D stage to provide more value in not just hardware, but also the intangibles.

From the Americas to the Middle East, from Asia to Europe, many distinguished and well-loved Filipino brands have expanded overseas, some of which are in the food, fashion, retail, education, energy, real estate industries. The creativity and expertise of the Filipino are wide-ranging and far-reaching, and to this IMI adds global excellence in the field of electronics manufacturing solutions.

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