Facebook Pages That Are Weird Yet Wonderful
Take a break from hard-hitting news and intellectual posts by checking out these weird but fun Facebook pages. Sometimes, comical content is just what you need to enjoy some serious laughter.
While stress can not be avoided, it can be managed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), self-care is essential to stress management. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and connecting with loved ones are all effective ways to cope.
But what if you're stuck at work and need a quick break? We suggest logging on to your Facebook account, not to post or see your friends' updates, but to check out this social media platform's bizarre but entertaining side.
“Weird Facebook”
The New York Times states that "Weird Facebook" has been around since 2014 but reached its popularity peak a few years later. Probably due to Facebook's algorithm that customizes news feeds according to users' interests, more and more people are discovering quirky pages and posts that end up trending.
One example is a made-up event entitled "Listening to Drake and Crying", created in 2015. Its creator Alan Pham posted it as a joke for his high school friends. The following morning, the event ended up clocking in 25,000 wanna-be attendees. In the end, over 44 thousand people responded to the fake event's open invitation.
But we've made it easier for you; to save time, we've scoured Facebook for ten strange but amusing pages for your surfing pleasure.
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Top 10 Weird Facebook Pages to Visit
If you're a natural multitasker and can't stand being idle, you might enjoy this Facebook page for people who dislike wasting a second. Instead of waiting for the microwave to finish heating your food, what can you accomplish within that short time frame? One user confesses to running to the microwave and turning it off just before it beeps because they can't stand the sound. Others post goofy answers like running around the kitchen, watching Seinfeld, and solving world hunger. The page has 1 million likes and counting.
Fans of the American animated sitcom, Family Guy, which debuted in 1999, are sure to know Peter Griffin, the quirky dad, and the show's main protagonist. Peter is on the plump side in his mid-forties, with small round spectacles and a double cleft chin. On this page, people all over the world are discovering Peter's real-life lookalikes. One member claimed their dad was a dead ringer for the cartoon character, while another posted someone's school yearbook photo–who, amazingly enough, resembles Peter Griffin.
You can't simply ignore a page that promotes such a specific interest and has over a million followers! It is described as "a happy page with happy posts" with feel-good content, such as links to articles about interactions between humans and animals, inspiring home renovations, and nature. Overall, it's a safe space for those who appreciate life's simple things, especially the satisfaction of hearing the crunch of leaves beneath your shoes.
Founded by a retired teacher and copywriter, Scott Kominkiewicz, this wholesome online group has grown with over 16,000 members. Many people are obsessed with making the perfect cheese toast and enjoy swapping ideas with like-minded foodies. On the welcome page, a smiling, rainbow-colored slice of bread greets visitors. It's also where Kominkiewicz talks about his ideal cheese toast, which is "good bread with some kind of spread" and cheese with "possibly meat and/or vegetables".
Are you one of those who has a perfectly good first name but always gets called by their last name? Join this public Facebook group, which has over 2,000 members who lament about the same thing. In a way, the page is therapeutic, "allowing for people that don't even really know your first name to get a chance at seeing your name in full." But a lot of posts also complain about being called by variations of their last names. One member whose last name is Squeglia complains about being nicknamed "Squiggles", while Mr. Nugentwo has resigned to being called "Nugz", even if his real name is Ted.
Some people are grossed out at the thought of letting this egg-based condiment touch their taste buds. From anti-mayo memes to mayo-free recipes, this page is adamant about its battle cry: Hold the mayo! One post encourages the public to "spread memes, not mayo", while another asks members to share their "best/worst mayo stories." Unsurprisingly, most of the stories talk about heaving after tasting the "vile stuff".
With almost 290,000 members, this group was created by 20-year-olds in 2019. In its heyday, the group was garnering about 10,000 posts a day, mostly by millennials and Generation Z members. While it posts content–from satirical to earnest– in the stereotypical style of baby boomers. Though the group was created in the spirit of fun, several journalistic groups have framed it in the light of the generational conflict, particularly in political views.
Born out of pandemic boredom, this Facebook group urges its 1.7 million members to get into serious ant mode. Once you're accepted to this private group, you must refer to yourself and others by their ant names–which is basically "Ant" + your first name. Because the ant queen is the colony's supreme ruler, you should always capitalize the first letters of the words "The Queen". Ants do not concern themselves with world politics, religion, and COVID-19, which is why these topics are banned from discussions.
Oxford Languages defines a meme as an image, video, or text that is "typically humorous" and spread by internet users with small alterations. If you love memes, then visit this one-stop site for bite-size witticisms followed by 100,000 Facebook users.
We can't talk about weird Facebook pages without mentioning one that is dedicated to all the weird events that happened and are happening in real life. By aiming to "collect all the bizarre facts and weird stuff which is either hidden or left unnoticed", the page aims to provide infotainment to its followers–which amount to a whopping 5.6 million.
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Whenever you need a good laugh or a quick pick-me-upper, just head on to Facebook, where you'll find a plethora of groups and pages that keep you entertained.
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